Thief falls to his death while breaking into an electronics shop

Submitted on 04/02/2024 by: Wicked
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Amiddle-aged man’s body was this morning discovered in an electronics shop in Mwingi Town after he fell from the roof while breaking in.

Mulinge Kituo, the owner, said he opened his shop at around 7:15 am and found the man lying lifeless.

He then alerted officers based at Mwingi Police Station where the body of the unidentified man was taken to Mwingi Level 4 Hospital mortuary pending postmortem.

According to CCTV footage retrieved from the shop, the man cut through the roof and wooden ceiling and made his way inside before he slid and landed on the floor head-first.

The footage further revealed that the man did not die instantly. He was coughing heavily for around ten minutes before he passed on at around 11:40 pm.

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