Pride Members State Their Agenda, 'We're Coming For Your Children'

Submitted on 06/27/2023 by: queefrobber
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A group of progressive New York City Pride members sparked outrage after revealing the Left’s radical agenda it has in store for children.

The extreme activists were unafraid to hide their plan to indoctrinate minors through their LGBTQ propaganda.

“We’re here, we’re queer, we’re coming for your children,” the activists chanted while stomping through the streets.

The march included adult males dressed in minimal women’s clothing and women barring their exposed breasts, at a Manhattan park where families frequently go.

Some signs read: “Groom Cissies” and “Drag isn’t for Cissies.”

The grooming of children didn’t stop there. Several marchers handed out pamphlets that promoted another event aimed at defending “Drag Story Hour” and “LGBTQ and gender nonconforming youth.”

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