Compil: Autopsy - OctopussySex - Calcined

Submitted on 01/11/2025 by: zeppelin666
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Compilation of 3 videos

(Slightly compressed to fit within the 100MB limit)

1/ Autopsy of a totally burnt body: forensic medicine

2/ You liked Octopussy with James Bond?

Come and discover the joys of love with cephalopods!

3/ A burnt corpse

A macabre discovery has shocked the Corrales district of Tumbes:

the charred body of a man was found in a completely burnt-out motorcycle cab in the Urcos area.

The fact discovered by local farmers provoked deep shock among residents.

Chale Moncada's body was taken to the local morgue where a forensic autopsy will be performed to determine the exact cause of death.

Experts are working on the crime scene, collecting evidence that may provide clues to those responsible for this horrific event.



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