Martial Arts Fighter Brutalizing Slim BF

Submitted on 05/23/2024 by: Wicked
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WTF Brazil 93,301 views

A woman identified as Leslly Letícia, attacked her partner with fighting blows in the neighborhood of Curado IV, in Jaboatão dos Guararapes.

According to information received, she, in a fit of jealousy, recorded on her cell phone the moment she beat and humiliated him, making him cry and covered in bruises.

She is a martial arts fighter and took advantage of the techniques to commit the crime.

The victim identified by Pablo Silva, resident of the Aguazinha neighborhood, in Olinda, waited for the right moment and fled on foot from Curado IV to TIP.

The victim did not go to the police station to file a complaint against her for fear of reprisals and ridicule.

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