Battle of Khe Sanh - Bombing Runs - B-52's - 1967 to 1968

Submitted on 06/23/2014 by: Marcotique
play again watch more videos like this one Man begs for help after his girlfriend locked him in a suitcase in Florida. He later died. How to Eliminate a Tank on the Battlefield NO FUCKS GIVEN ! Traffickers Behead Riva With A Sharp Machete Communist personnel carrier crushed a leg of a soldier and took off Invader gets leg injuries from drone bomb Total demolition, Ukrainian evacuation group Caught red-handed spotter - Corporal Dmitro Moseychuk. He conducted active reconnaissance and artillery adjustment on the positions of Russian fighters.
War 6,650 views


i rememberin 1967 when eightque and i were.. wait, it might have been dream. enjoy the movie folks!

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