Wild brawl between employees and accused shoplifters

Submitted on 04/30/2020 by: People_Hater111
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Two suspected shoplifters got caught in a wild melee in the middle of a Yonkers supermarket when quick-fisted staffers tried to stop the duo from giving themselves a five-finger discount.

The pugilistic purloiners are seen slapping and kicking at workers -- some of whom gave as good as they got -- in an 11-minute video of the brawl that happened Monday inside the Shop Fair supermarket in Getty Square.

As many as five store employees worked to subdue the suspected shoplifters, one of whom was wrestled to the ground while the other was restrained by workers.

“Get them off my brother,” the man says several times as he’s held back.

A few minutes later, the video shows that man lashing out at someone -- then getting tackled to the ground where several store workers tussle with him to keep him down, with one employee appearing to kick him in the head. Another, wearing a surgical mask, grabs the man as he tries to crawl away and punches him

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