GF Killer And The Fruits

Submitted on 05/28/2024 by: Wicked
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The man suspected of stabbing his ex-partner to death was found dead this Friday afternoon (24), in Avaré (SP) . Acassia Luiza Ferreira, 33 years old, was stabbed to death in the garage of her home, in the Bannwart neighborhood, on March 16 of this year.

Sérgio de Godoy, 56 years old, had been missing since the day of the crime. According to the Military Police, the suspect's body was found in a state of decomposition under an orange tree by employees of Fazenda Rosana, located on Estrada Municipal Itatinga Avaré.

The PM reported that in the pocket of the clothes the body was wearing, there was a wallet containing documents and bank cards in the name of Sérgio de Godoy . He had a temporary arrest warrant issued by the Court on suspicion of feminicide against Acassia.

In addition to the documents, according to the police investigation, the body was wearing the same clothes that Sérgio was wearing in a photo that was published on social media.

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