Florida Fitness Model vs Attempted Rapist

Submitted on 02/17/2023 by: fasteddie1212000
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Shocking video shows Instagram fitness model, 24, desperately fighting off would-be rapist in Florida apartment complex gym - as she advises women to 'never give up' if they are attacked

Fitness model Nashali Alma was the victim of an attempted rape in her gym

The Insta star let her attacker into the building in January

Alma successfully beat her would-be rapist off and called police.

An Instagram fitness model was left to fight for her life inside her Florida apartment complex gym after she let a man who police say intended to rape her into the building.

Describing her ordeal, Nashali Alma, 24, said when her attacker approached her, she pushed him away. She told him to leave her alone, but he began to chase her around the gym - before he grabbed her and she rained punches on him.

The incident occurred in the Inwood Park Apartment Complex in Tampa on January 22. Following the attack, Alma advised women caught in similar situations to 'Never give up.'

Her attacker later told police he was trying to rape her.

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