Lawsuit - Two family members suffered broken bones and cuts after falling from a second-story deck

Submitted on 07/11/2023 by: Wicked
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A lawsuit was filed against an apartment complex after two family members fell from a second-story deck in Forestdale on June 25.

Morgan & Morgan stated that FeNysha Jackson, 29, and Fernando Jackson Jr., 17, were walking up the steps to their home when the deck fell out from underneath them.

The two suffered "severe injuries from the fall," including multiple fractures to their legs and feet, bruises and cuts, according to the law firm.

The lawsuit states that FeNysha Jackson was pinned under concrete when she fell and needed multiple surgeries because of her injuries.

The lawsuit claims negligence and that the complex knew of the hazardous conditions of the deck and "failed to warn the Plaintiffs of the unreasonably dangerous or defective condition of the premises."

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