Depressed Man Jumps from 50 Meter High Tower

Submitted on 11/19/2024 by: Wicked
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The reckless action of a man who climbed and jumped from a 50 meter high tower, surprised and shocked the residents of Sukadamai Village, Lebong Tengah District, Lebong Regency.

This tragic incident occurred on Tuesday, November 19, 2024, at around 08.40 WIB.

Suddenly, the incident made residents at the location scream hysterically .

The man known as AD, a resident of Tanjung Bunga Village, Lebong Tengah District, could not be saved after jumping from the tower.

One of the residents, Thomas, said that the residents had shouted and asked AD to come down before the man finally jumped from the tower he had climbed.

"I saw him climbing in the middle of the tower, residents shouted for him to come down but he wouldn't, not long after that he jumped," he said as quoted by KORANRB.ID.

AD is known to have emotional disorders, but before the incident, he had time to greet residents who were around the location.

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