Another Lovely Day In Mexico

Submitted on 04/24/2024 by: Wicked
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Other Mexico 42,571 views

The bodily organs of a deceased gunman from the Cazadores / Salazares mob can be seen sliding away on the inside of his open chest cavity.

It’s the deboning of his left leg at the knee with a large kitchen knife that’s causing his innards to slither around in there.

Gunmen from the Los Deltas, lead by Erick Cabrera Cabrera aka El Delta 1, took the liberty to remove his head and heart beforehand.

Under international law the mutilation of dead bodies is strictly forbidden. In spite of this though it hasn’t deterred the Mexican cartels in the least bit from desecrating their own countrymen.

Sicario #1: This is how the lives of the fucking Salazares will end here.

Sicario #2: This will be the fate of every faggot that messes with the La Chapiza gunmen you fucks.

Sicario #3: We are the absolute Delta mob.

Sicario #4: Go ahead and place all of your weight on the corpse to make it easier for stability in the removal there.

Sicario #5: Ok, let me go ahead and start cutting the leg off from this angle…

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