Thug Tries To Snatch Baby Out Of Random Woman's Arms In St Louis Before Breaking An Elderly Woman's Arms

Submitted on 11/08/2023 by: acab1983
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Surveillance video captured the appalling moment a St. Louis teenager attempted to grab a baby from a mother’s arms as she crossed the street with her husband.

The incident happened in the Central West End neighborhood Sunday, as a family of crossed the street at around 8.30am.

The mother - wearing a blue jacket - is seen holding her 11-month-old baby as the father walks beside them.

A man in a gray hoodie, identified as 19-year-old Anthony McGee, begins to move towards the family.

Suddenly, McGee grabs the infant. The father manages to fight him off before chasing him out of frame, with McGee then said to have broken an 82-year-old woman's arms.

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