African Immigrant Strangles Female Employee In Spain

Submitted on 05/02/2024 by: Wicked
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Robbery Spain 23,041 views

The National Police have arrested an African immigrant in his 40s for assaulting a woman on the street and then another cashier in a supermarket using the mataleón technique . The first victim is a young Paraguayan woman who worked as a cashier in a supermarket in Malaga , while the second victim was walking down the street when she was brutally strangled in a public street.

As you can see in the video, the African immigrant - confirmed by the National Police to OKDIARIO Andalucía - broke into the supermarket where the young woman worked and did not hesitate to strangle her to get his loot: some bills from the cash register. As he was dissatisfied with her, the man, who barely speaks Spanish, took the woman to her bathroom, where he allegedly threatened her with a knife to try to get better loot.

The National Police arrested this past Sunday, April 28, at around 11:15 p.m., this African citizen who robbed by strangling his victims - women - practicing the mataleón technique in the northern area of ​​Malaga capital.

After managing to escape from her attacker, the woman who was assaulted in the middle of the street was assisted by police patrols. In a search through the area, the suspect was located and arrested by the code Ghotam of the National Police, police sources have explained.

In addition, the agents attribute the other assault to him, this time on the saleswoman of a food establishment, which occurred in the Ciudad Jardín neighborhood on April 24. In this case, the victim was locked in the bathroom by her attacker , who took the money from the collection.

According to what the victim told Málaga Hoy , once in the bathroom he warned her - in English - that she had to talk. The cashier was trying to tell him that there was no money there when the thief pointed him at her abdomen with a knife that was in that room. "There I thought she was going to kill me ," the woman points out to the aforementioned media, to which she explains her "desperation" because no one there would listen to her even if she asked for help.

Vox has reacted to the events through its social networks. "In Malaga. An African immigrant brutally attacks and strangles a supermarket cashier. Ticket back to his country for this savage! Andalusians want to be able to live and work in peace in their neighborhoods,” Vox has noted on social media.

In Malaga. An African immigrant brutally attacks and strangles a supermarket cashier.

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