Drunk gunman in a bar pulls out gun and gets beaten.

Submitted on 07/31/2014 by: Headless
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If you're going to pull a gun when your drunk at the bar, you best know how to use it.

Otherwise, you cop a beating, as one patron found when he brandished a sidearm during an argument with a fellow drinker at the pub.

Nick van der Westhuizen took offense to comments at the bar, and pulled out his gun.

With a belly full of beer, Jakes Joubert - the other bar patron - has started throwing punches and somehow managed to wrestle the gun away from the gunman, before delivering a series of blows to the gunman's face.

Nick van der Westhuizen appeared in court on several charges related to arms negligence.

We can probably safely assume they may not be drinking buddies.

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