Guy pulls closed knife at PTA meeting no one knows what to do

Submitted on 06/16/2021 by: Punisher_72
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The video had no details of location or the full story. (older story 2018 )

A Parent of three girls attending this school drops some hard reality on the school board. He simply pulls out a closed pocket knife and shows it to the room. Then points out what would they do about it if he decided to use it in a harmful way. You can hear the leftist cucks start to say all sorts of moronic shit, one "man" yells stop it, another toon states he has a switch blade and that's illegal. Other people grumble and whine about the man. He then challenges the board members what are you going to do?

His point is valid and this is exactly why we have so many problems in our schools and places of gathering. The security is non existent, we cannot be armed. We have been lulled into the belief the Police will save everyone. Which is not true. It's not clear if the knife was real or if the man was in any sort of trouble after this. But he made it real clear that no one was safe in that school.

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