Drunk Driver Crashes into Police Checkpoint

Submitted on 09/26/2023 by: fasteddie1212000
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Newly-released video shows the moments when police say a man drove his SUV through a DWI checkpoint while drunk, injuring a New Mexico State Police officer and two others.

The crash happened on the evening of May 19 in western New Mexico. The checkpoint was set up in Thoreau, near I-40.

Miraculously, everyone survived.

Watch the video above to see the crash and the aftermath.

A New Mexico State Police spokesperson told KOB the injured officer, Alejandro Solis-Torres, is now back to work and doing well.

The full extent of the injuries to the two women who were hit is not known, but one of them had a serious injury to one arm and had to have surgery. They were speaking with the officer outside their vehicle at the time.

Police said the man who caused the crash is 36-year-old Joshua Floehr, from Bloomfield.

An officer is heard telling him he was slurring his speech, and that officer later said he believed Floehr was drunk.

He’s facing multiple charges, including three felonies, two of which involve being under the influence.

A grand jury indicted Floehr Thursday. A judge released him before his trial. His next court appearance is set for Sept. 11.

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