Hindu Man Kidnapped In Pakistan

Submitted on 11/21/2024 by: Wicked
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video from Pakistan has surfaced, depicting the horrific kidnapping and torture of a Hindu man in Sindh by criminal gangs belonging to the majority community. The disturbing incident highlights the growing insecurity and lawlessness in the region, where these gangs, backed by influential zamindars (landowners), have been exploiting minority communities for years.

The victim, a Hindu man, was kidnapped and tortured to pressure the police into releasing one of the gang members they had recently arrested. The brutal tactics used by these gangs have become a regular part of the grim reality in Sindh, where violence, extortion, and kidnapping are rampant. The criminals often target Hindu villages, storming them in retaliation when one of their own is arrested. The police force, under immense pressure from the criminal underworld, is frequently forced to bow to these demands.

The gangs use their kidnapped victims as bargaining chips, threatening to kill them if the authorities do not comply with their demands. When the police cave in, it emboldens the gangs, enabling them to continue their criminal activities with little fear of consequences. If the authorities resist, the kidnapped individual’s life is at risk, showcasing the ruthless nature of these criminal groups.

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