Heavy rain in SKorea killed three women living in semi-basement house...Weak firefighters

Submitted on 08/09/2022 by: coooooooool
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Accident South Korea 13,601 views


Since August 8, 2022, heavy rains in Korea have killed at least eight people.

On August 9, 2022, a multi-family house was flooded in Sillim-dong, Seoul, killing three family members who lived in semi-basement houses.

They couldn't open their front doors or windows because of the water that quickly filled up.

911 rescuers forcibly ripped off the bars of a semi-basement house.

They tried to rescue by shining a flashlight inside, but the water was already filled to the ceiling of the semi-basement house.

Around 9 p.m. on the 9th, 911 reported that people were isolated in this semi-basement house.

When rescue workers arrived at the scene, the water had already filled up to the adult thighs.

Several residents tried to rip off the window by blowing it, but they failed due to the illegality of property damage.

The only way out was through a window with a window bar made of aluminum pipes, but firefighters had to give up their rescue in no time.

The rescue began after midnight, when the water on the ground was drained and the water from the semi-basement house was drained to some extent, but a woman in her 40s, a sister, and a teenage daughter with a developmental disability were already dead.

Witnesses said the dead could not open the front door inside the house because of water pressure.

"All three of the family members were found 'drowned' by doctors," police said.

In August 2022, 381.5mm of rain fell on the 8th in southwestern Seoul, higher than 354.7mm recorded on August 2, 1920.

In particular, the torrential rain flooded around 5 thousand cars in Gangnam, a luxurious and wealthy area in southern Seoul that appears in Psy's 2012 K-pop hit "Gangnam Style," while people waited buses in waist-deep water and subway stations flooded.

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