Joe Biden Falls Asleep During Hawaii Memorial for Those Dead

Submitted on 08/23/2023 by: fasteddie1212000
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Biden is accused of 'nodding off' during Maui wild fire memorial service in middle of his disastrous five-hour tour of island

Joe Biden on Monday visited Maui to tour areas devastated by the August 8 wildfires, meet first responders, and pay respects to those who have died

The president attended a memorial service, and while the speaker told of the community spirit that kept Hawaii afloat, Biden looked down for nine seconds

Conservative commentators seized on the moment to claim Biden was asleep, and used it as 'evidence' of his disinterest in Maui, adding to his other missteps

The 80-year-old and his wife Jill arrived on Maui on Monday to tour the areas devastated by the August 8 wildfires.

Amid growing criticism at the perceived lack of federal support, Biden's visit was always going to be contentious, and the president's motorcade was met with boos and jeers, with some showing their middle finger and waving Trump 2024 flags.

Biden did little to endear himself to the traumatized islanders, delivering a rambling speech referencing the death of his wife and baby daughter in 1972, and later telling an anecdote about a 2004 kitchen fire in his Delaware home.

Meeting one of the rescuers, Biden then made a clumsy joke about needing protective footwear, telling the worker: 'Hot ground!'

His appearance at the memorial gave further ammunition to critics.

Biden sat listening while the speaker told of generosity among islanders.

'Like many others who were left with nothing, those two were given clothes, food and shelter by someone they may have never met before,' the speaker said.

Biden then coughed, hand over his mouth, and looked down.

'We are a community that relies on family, on 'ohana', whether by blood or by friendship,' the speaker continued.

Biden then nodded, and looked up.

'And like many others, my son's home burnt down,' the speaker said, as Biden's eyes reverted to the front.

'My daughter's home burnt down. My home burnt down.'

Critics said that Biden was asleep for the nine seconds he looked down.

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