Rhode Island cops found RI council member passed out in car before crack arrest

Submitted on 05/23/2023 by: Wicked
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A Republican city councilman from Rhode Island is facing calls to resign after police found him Monday passed out and seemingly “choking” in his car with a crack pipe in his hand.

Cranston City Council member Matthew R. Reilly was found sleeping in the vehicle just before noon, according to a police statement and bodycam footage of the incident.

Video shows Reilly, 41, being shaken awake by an officer who says: “You were literally choking in your sleep. Someone was flagging me down about it.”

“I have sleep apnea. I’m sorry,” Reilly says, to which the officer replies: “Well, you have a crack pipe in your hands.”

Reilly initially denied having drugs in his car, telling officers he smoked “earlier” and was heading to work at Family Court.

After police found crack cocaine in the vehicle’s center console, Reilly admitted to having relapsed after 13 years of sobriety, in part because of a “really bad divorce.”

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