Meet Larrivee guitars.

Submitted on 08/09/2013 by: Bedlamite
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I'm about to start selling this stupid shit, and the company has already pissed me off. So watch this strictly because I had to.

The company that said "why the fuck would we send you to space"? My reply "Because I could better promote your product. Ill actually play it instead of watching it float around the ship." they come back with "do you even know calculus?" Me "No but I could learn' Then they really start in on me. "You are a guitar playing panda! Who will never amount to anything but the lovely life of sex, drugs and rock and roll."

Fuck you Larrivee Ill go to space before I die. When I do Im bringing Ted Nugent and an agitated bull for him to ride while he sings and I drop Lucid.

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