Local Influencer Hit By Truck While Cycling In Taiwan (Close Call)

Submitted on 06/14/2024 by: Wicked
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Accident Taiwan 84,471 views

Sports internet celebrity Eva posted a video on Facebook. A week ago, she was riding a road bike on Beiyi Highway and was hit from behind by a gravel truck. The driver hit and run. Eva said she had called the police to deal with it. Injury examination completed. When the car crashes, the helmet resists the impact. Fortunately, she did not die.

Watch it again in slow motion. Eva is riding a road bike on the Beiyi Highway. The next second, a gravel bike comes from behind and hits Eva's shoulder. Then Eva and the bike fall to the ground. He announced this , thrilling moments captured by action cameras.

The car accident occurred at around 11 noon on June 4. 33-year-old Eva was riding on the 24.7th kilometer of Beiyi Highway in New Taipei City when she was chased from behind by a gravel truck. Eva and the car were thrown forward. Unexpectedly, the driver of the gravel truck did not stop and care, but drove forward and caused a hit and run.

Eva was injured and sought medical treatment after the incident. At the same time, she provided the driving video to the police, and recorded the report. The police used the license plate number to chase the person and interview the driver to report to the case.

The police said that when the driver arrived at the case, he claimed that he did not know he hit someone, but the driving video evidence was conclusive and the police prosecuted him for a hit-and-run accident. The driver, a 30-year-old man named Lai, almost ran over someone.

Eva's post said that luckily a safety helmet saved him again. Normally he is a sports internet celebrity with quick reactions and good physical strength, and he also teaches flywheel courses. This time he was lucky enough to survive a car accident.

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