Danny Trejo fights ‘coward’ who allegedly hurled water balloon at him

Submitted on 07/06/2024 by: Wicked
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Actor Danny Trejo punched a Fourth of July paradegoer who allegedly threw a water balloon at the “Machete” star’s vintage convertible, igniting an all-out brawl during the LA parade route.

The southern California beat-down happened during Thursday’s Independence Day Parade in the LA neighborhood Sunland-Tujunga, according to ABC 7 Los Angeles.

The 80-year-old actor was stopped along the parade route in his baby blue convertible when a water balloon was launched at the windshield, video shows.

Trejo, dressed in a long-sleeved white shirt and black pants, jumped out of the classic car and threw a punch at the man who was suspected of throwing the water balloon.

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