Biker Dies Performing Stunt

Submitted on 01/04/2024 by: Wicked
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A motorcyclist died from injuries he sustained when he collided into a minibus while performing a stunt on the St Margaret's Bay main road in Portland on Saturday.

A video of the two-vehicle bang-up has gone viral on social media.

The deceased is Rushawn Miller of Black Hill district, Portland.

Police reported that about 3:15 pm on Saturday, Miller was driving the motorcycle when he attempted to do a 'wheelie' and lost control of the unit, which slammed into a white minibus that was being driven in the opposite direction.

Miller was flung from the motorcycle upon impact, and sustained multiple injuries. He died at hospital.

In the viral video that appeared to have been recorded by another motorcyclist, Miller can be seen driving on both sides of the roadway.

He then attempted to drive the motorcycle on one wheel across the median into the opposite side of the roadway, where he was hit by the oncoming minibus.

"No fadda Gad (God), no!" shouted the videographer after the collision occurred.

Miller was seen lying on the side of the road before the video ended.

There have been mixed reactions to the video on social media, with some persons blaming the motorcyclist for causing his own death, while others insisted that the minibus driver should have slowed down.

"I'm praying for him (the motorcyclist) and his family. We all did silly stuff when we were young. It's not the time to play blame game," said a man on Facebook.

"The bus driver could have slowed down when he saw him (the motorcyclist) from afar," a woman suggested.

"Young people do crazy things. Prayers for his family," she added.

Another woman disagreed with that view, arguing that the bus driver should not be blamed.

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