Texas: 21 Year Old Inmate Beaten By Detention Officers

Submitted on 02/08/2024 by: Wicked
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The family of a 21-year-old man who was beaten by detention officers in the Harris County Jail’s processing center last month is calling for state and federal investigators to look into the incident, which was captured on newly released security footage.

The video from January 19, which has no audio, appears to show D’Alessandro Chavez-Sandoval leaning on a wall inside the county’s Joint Processing Center when detention officer George Navarro Villeda approaches the 21-year-old while “trying to quiet down the inmates…so they could hear their names being called out by a booking and classification officer,” according to court documents.

According to Villeda’s incident report, the detention officer attempted to move Chavez-Sandoval into a holding cell, to which Chavez-Sandoval allegedly replied: “I’m not going into a holding cell, you gonna have to fight me.”

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