Gruesome: Two Women Riding Motorcycle Killed By Truck On BR-040

Submitted on 11/20/2024 by: Wicked
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Accident Brazil 5,281 views

A very serious accident on the afternoon of this Wednesday (13/11) on BR-040 , near the exit of the Cidade Jardins neighborhood, in Valparaíso de Goiás (GO), resulted in the death of two women.

According to the Military Fire Department of the State of Goiás (CBMGO), the collision involved a motorcycle, a passenger vehicle and a truck. The two women who were on the motorcycle did not survive their injuries and died instantly.

Witnesses reported that the motorcycle collided with the back of the car, causing the women to fall and were then run over by the truck. The driver of the motorcycle was 34 years old and the passenger was 27, both from Brasília (DF).

Agents from the Federal Highway Police (PRF) are on site to respond to the incident, and the expertise of the Civil Police of the State of Goiás (PCGO) was called.

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