Colombian police VS skaters

Submitted on 06/23/2019 by: Wicked
play again watch more videos like this one I'm tired of their stupidity Mother & Daughter Killed By Speeding Driver Extreme Speed = Extreme Death Drunk Man Kisses Live Wire Going 70mph on a 30mph road on the wrong side ends VERY BADLY Deadly Van Crash In Nigeria Pulling out wasn't supposed to be an Option Cyclist Nearly Killed By Falling Tree During Storm In Milwaukee
Accident 2,951 views



A large group of skate boarders taking a lane of traffic are harassed by two motorcycle cops driving near them and through their ranks.

After a while one of the cops hits a skater knocking both to the ground then the crowd attacks the downed motorcycle cop.

The other cop does a U-Turn and drives into the group attacking the cop pinning one under the wheel. The crowd then turn their attention to the stopped upright cop and he takes off leaving the other cop to fend for himself.

As that cop that drives off,He receives many skate boards thrown at him as he goes back the way he came.

The crowd is busy beating the other cop senseless possibly to death.

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