High-Speed Drone Montage of the Syrian Civil War

Submitted on 07/08/2018 by: uguran
play again watch more videos like this one The destruction of Bandera soldiers by dropping from quadrocopters. Ukrainian soldiers tried to retire for comfort in the bushes, dropped a grenade on them, and one was fatally wounded. The second took the machine gun and shot himself on the spot. That's why you shoot and leave quickly(repost) Dumbasses caught in the act! Unrecognizable remains of 2 Ukrainian soldiers Rebels Runs Over Syrian Soldier Trying To Stop Him From Advancing NATO equipment, undermined by mines, in Ukraine Brazilian Gang Wars
War 4,302 views


High-Speed Drone Montage of the Syrian Civil War

See many the views of destruction.Bombs Bullets IEDS and a special appearance from

Abdul in a game "Pop goes the weasel" on a rooftop.

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