Transgender Woman Fatally Stabbed In The Neck

Submitted on 08/09/2015 by: Fernando91
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Surveillance video from a nearby tattoo shop shows Haggard wearing a light-colored cardigan, a knee-length dress, tennis shoes, and a blond wig walking down the street. An SUV drives up to where she is and makes a left turn in front of her.

Haggard walks over to the vehicle and appears to talk for a few moments with someone inside. As she's leaning toward the window, someone jabs at her throat. She lurches back, then walks off as the SUV pulls away.

Eventually, Haggard collapses on the sidewalk. Several cars drive by as she lay slumped against a signpost. A few people walking down the street stop to briefly examine Haggard before leaving the scene. An ambulance and a police car finally arrive several minutes after the attack.

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