Woman Gets Hot Coffee To The Face During Fight

Submitted on 04/28/2016 by: Wicked
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Philadelphia, PA - On April 25, 2016, at 9:15 am, the complainant, a 54 year-old female, was inside a Starbucks Coffee Shop located at 1600 Arch Street when she was involved in a physical altercation with an unknown black female.

During the altercation the suspect threw a coffee stirrer at the complainant. When both the complainant and the suspect went outside the suspect threw a cup of coffee in the complainant’s face then punched the complainant in her face and body.

The suspect then grabbed the complainant by her hair pulling her to the ground where she continued punching her until a witness, who was walking by, separated the complainant and suspect.

Suspect Description: Black female, mid 40 years-of-age, dark complected, 5’10”, 130lbs, wearing pink pants, and carrying a pink bag.

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