Inmate attacks guard(R)

Submitted on 04/06/2022 by: Death-Goddess
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HILLSBORO, Ore. (KOIN) -- A prison inmate in Oregon will now spend another six years behind bars because of his vicious attack on a Washington County Sheriff’s deputy.

"It happened so quick-- there wasn't enough time to process fear,” said Deputy Daniel Guzman, Washington County Sheriff’s Dept.

Deputy Guzman says it was recess time in the jail pod with close to 60 inmates in there, where they are free to walk around. Guzman was the only deputy on the floor at the time at a desk.

You can see inmate Hayden Davis walking up and standing behind him.

"I addressed him by turning around and asked him what he needed. He didn't say anything-- just kind of stared at his feet, rocking back and forth. Eventually, I said ‘I don't need you standing behind me. If you have a question come around the desk.’ And you see me in the video kind of pointing. And that's when he just kind of launched at me,” Guzman recalled.

His training kicked in. He pushed off Davis and tried to get away from the desk area. Davis came at him and they exchanged punches. Guzman hit and cut in the face. He pushed his pager to send a call for help.

While some inmates scattered, others actually helped to pin down Davis, as well.

Deputies in the jail do not carry guns; they do have pepper spray and tasers.

"I wanted to initially jump on top of him and handcuff him and call it quits and we're done. But with 60, 58 other inmates out and about, it wasn't the best decision to make."

Afterward, Sheriff's deputies found that Davis had taped up his hand before the assault to attach a wooden tongue depressor that stuck out from between his fingers as a weapon.

Guzman is grateful it missed him.

And it turns out, this was not the first time Davis pled guilty to attacking a Washington County deputy.

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