Submitted on 07/08/2020 by: Major-mega-bizar
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Justice 2,431 views


GRAND THEFT AUTO SUSPECT FLEES FROM MCSO & BPD. On Sunday, July 5, 2020, Deputy Samantha Horne observed a silver 2015 Hyundai Elantra driving down SE Abshire Blvd. A computer check revealed that the vehicle was stolen. Deputy Horne along with Belleview Police Department Officer Michaelides attempted a traffic stop, however the driver, later identified as Harley Moore, decided not to stop and a pursuit ensued. During the pursuit, a stop stick deployment was successful and the vehicle lost speed but still wouldn’t stop. Moore ended up crashing into another vehicle and attempted to continue to run. At this time, Deputy Horne was able to conduct a PIT Maneuver, but Moore still attempted to drive away. Deputy Horne conducted another PIT and the pursuit ended. Deputy Horne was able to place the driver under arrested and Belleview Police Officer Coleman detained the passenger, identified as Harrison Blodnick.

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