Python squeezes Thai woman in her kitchen for 2 hours

Submitted on 09/23/2024 by: Wicked
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Python squeezes Thai woman in her kitchen for 2 hours before she's rescued by police

Updated on: September 19, 2024 / 9:42 PM EDT / CBS/AP

Bangkok — A 64-year-old woman was preparing to do her evening dishes at her home outside Bangkok when she felt a sharp pain in her thigh and looked down to see a huge python taking hold of her.

"I was about to scoop some water and when I sat down it bit me immediately," Arom Arunroj told Thailand's Thairath newspaper. "When I looked I saw the snake wrapping around me."

The 13-to-16-foot-long python coiled itself around her torso, squeezing her down to the floor of her kitchen.

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