Stabber Fatally Shot By Deputy In California

Submitted on 09/14/2023 by: Wicked
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deputy who shot a suspect after receiving a call for a disturbance in Mariposa County.

Deputies say on Saturday morning, shortly after 2 a.m., they received a call regarding a stabbing at a home located on Terrace View Lane.

According to deputies, 23-year-old Robert Logan, a transient recently staying in the home, had an altercation with one of the residents. During the altercation, Logan used a knife to stab the victim, causing puncture wounds and lacerations to his head and neck area.

Sheriff’s officials say after stabbing the victim, Logan fled the scene in an unknown direction. Residents identified the suspect and gave a description of what he was wearing.

Around 3 a.m., deputies stated they received information that Logan may be near the Mariposa County Health and Human Services Agency Offices. Upon arrival, Deputy Slenders contacted Logan, who was shirtless and still holding a knife in his left hand.

Sheriff’s officials say Logan immediately began to advance towards Deputy Slenders, swinging the knife and yelling. The deputy instructed Logan to “get on the ground,” “let me see your hands,” and “drop the knife.” Deputy Slenders fired one single shot in the chest area of Logan.

Deputies say that following the shooting, medical aid was provided for the suspect and they began lifesaving measures. Additional first responders arrived within minutes, including CAL FIRE and Mercy Ambulance.

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