Orlando police kill gunman who fatally shot 3 others

Submitted on 04/14/2023 by: Wicked
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Body camera video released Wednesday shows Orlando police respond to a domestic shooting on Easter, exchanging gunfire and killing the 28-year-old suspect.

Police said Lacorvis Daley, 28, shot and killed three people inside a home near Parramore Avenue and Grand Street before walking out of the house and shooting at officers, according to police. Officers returned fire, killing Daley.

Orlando police said during a news conference on Wednesday that Daley’s girlfriend said she got into an argument over the phone with the suspect while she was out with friends. Police said Daley threatened to hurt his girlfriend’s mother if she did not return home. Daley’s girlfriend told police her mother texted her that the suspect was shooting a gun.

“Sounds like we got a gunshot going off,” one of the officers is heard saying in the video.

Shortly after, more gunshots are heard as the suspect approaches officers. Police said the man was firing at the officers, who tried to yell for the man to show his hands, video shows.

After the gunshots stop, the officers approach the man, who is on the ground, and render aid.

The department said three victims were found in the home Daley walked out of — a 7-year-old boy, a 13-year-old girl and a 69-year-old woman — who all lived in the home. The boy was Daley’s son and the girl was Daley’s girlfriend’s daughter. The woman was the mother of Daley’s girlfriend.

“The officers acted quickly and, due to the danger presented at the scene, decided to drive the child victim to ORMC themselves,” police said during a news conference.

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