Man tries defending a woman from her husband with a knife - gets stabbed two times in the neck himself [Russia, December 23]

Submitted on 12/27/2024 by: menoraquiles
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WTF Russia 3,961 views

his was recorded moments before the attack. Reportedly the two people on the right are the wife of the attacker and her friend.

Man running on the left is the attacker.

Happened on December 23, 2024, around 8:45 pm in Yoshkar-Ola, Mari El Republic, Russia

Surprisingly I wasn't able to find any articles about this incident, so my sources are posts from local VK groups :shrug2:

A man and a woman were walking together. They weren't a couple; reportedly just friends.

Suddenly, a husband of the woman came running with a knife and attacked her.

The man who was with with the woman tried defending her, but this made the husband attack him instead.

In the end, the male victim was stabbed two times in the neck and died on the way to the hospital.

Aftermath photos:

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