Man Kills Friend After Drinking Together

Submitted on 10/12/2022 by: Wicked
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SSP Shlok Kumar said that after the incident, the Tahrir of the death of the young man was given in Kotwali on 8 October. In which taking immediate action, the accused has been apprehended. Both accused Bablu and deceased Suresh are residents of Ghosipura village. Both have an identity with each other. To sit with each other is also to sit. Even on 7th October, these people have had a liquor party by sitting together. While drinking alcohol, there was an altercation between the two.

This thing went to Bablu's exasperation. When he interrupted Suresh, the drunken talk kept on increasing. After this Bablu became violent. With what he got, he beat Suresh till he died. The villagers took him to the hospital. where he was pronounced dead. After which the family started taking legal action.

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