business owner calls police for robbery and gets arrested (R)

Submitted on 06/10/2021 by: 404error
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Robbery United States 6,851 views


Decatur, Alabama

March 15, 2021

Business owner calls police cause he has a robber at gunpoint. Police according to the news story mistook him for a robber.

Business owner waves the police in as you can see in the second angle. He is seen unloading his firearm, talking and reloading his magazine. Police tell him to put down the gun and gets punched in the face and arrested...Business owner got a broken jaw and lost some teeth. Police believed his magazine to be his gun the chief said. In front of police the owner showed his gun and magazine being ejected from the gun.

The officer who punched him name was not released and was put on desk duty. The owner was arrested on a misdemeanor of obstructing governmental operations. Police accusing him of obstructing the robbery he called in at his own store.

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