They find six tied bodies in the streets of Acapulco, Guerrero Mexico

Submitted on 05/24/2024 by: Wicked
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On the night of May 20, residents of the Palmar de Carabalí neighborhood in Acapulco, Guerrero , alerted the authorities about the presence of several human bodies on public roads.

According to police reports cited by the local press, it was around 10:00 p.m. on the aforementioned date that the first report reached the 911 emergency line.

In response, agents from the Ministerial Police and the National Guard went to the site, where they confirmed that there were six bodies (belonging to four men and two women) that had been abandoned on Diego Hurtado Avenue in Mendoza.

Each of the bodies was tied up and showed apparent signs of violence , so the presence of experts from the state Attorney General's Office was necessary to coordinate the removal of the bodies. As of the morning of May 21, the identity of any of the victims has not been released.

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