War battle.

Submitted on 06/29/2020 by: Major-mega-bizar
play again watch more videos like this one A direct hit by a kamikaze drone on Ukrainians fleeing the battlefield More russian POW in Kursk region Ambush & Direct Hit Leaked McDonalds Coworker Toilet Sex Tape ! Crawling doesn't save these ukros from a painful death 5 skeletons of the Ukrainian armed forces. Anti-Government Rebels Do A Drive-By in Burma Traffickers Behead Riva With A Sharp Machete
War 7,191 views


Xhemati Alban (gruppo di jihadisti albanesi/kosovari affiliati a HTS) ha diffuso un nuovo video che ritrae l'utilizzo di SPG-9DM e AGS-17 sul fronte di Kabani (Latakia).

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