Goalkeeper shot in leg by police officer causing brutal injury

Submitted on 07/12/2024 by: Wicked
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WTF Brazil 100,091 views

This is the moment a police officer with a shotgun shoots a goalkeeper in the leg using a rubber bullet at point-blank range.

The horrific incident took place just after the final whistle of a match between Gremio Anapolis and Centro Oeste in Brazil. The shocking footage shows the players seemingly arguing with armed police after the game.

But one of the officers suddenly brandishes a shotgun and pushes one of the players, apparently ordering them to get back. Seconds later - with seemingly no further warning - the officer cocks the shotgun.

He then fires a rubber bullet at Gremio Anapolis goalkeeper Ramon Souza, who immediately cries out in pain and limps away in agony. The incident unfolded immediately after the 12th round of the Access Division of the Goiano Championship, on the evening of Wednesday, July 10.

Upsetting images quickly made the rounds after being shared online. Photos showed the player lying on the pitch with his leg bandaged and covered in blood, as a member of medical staff poured water on the wound to remove blood, and the victim in agony.

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