WCGW When You Scam An Online Drug Shop?

Submitted on 09/30/2023 by: Wicked
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In Zarechny, a crowd of Ural residents forced a girl to apologize on camera, and then brutally beat her. Young men in masks tried to set fire to her hair, broke her finger and doused her with brilliant green, forcing her to smear the caustic paint on her face. According to the telegram channel “Bad News”, everything happened because the victim left the city drug shop.

“Apologize to the camera,” the guy says in the video.

“Uncle Escobar, please excuse me,” the girl with dreadlocks begs.

— And to the residents of Zarechny.

“And to the residents of Zarechny,” she repeats.

Afterwards, the young men beat the girl in a crowd, mercilessly kicking her in the face, sides, arms and legs. They throw her to the ground and do not allow her to get up. All she can do is scream: “I apologized, please don’t. That’s it, that’s enough, it hurts!” After that, the guys force her to put up her finger, which they hit her with an iron pipe.

- Place your hand normally. The faster it ends, the faster you leave. Or break a finger? Or a brush? Finger or hand, quickly,” the guy says in the video.

“Don’t break me, take everything I have, just don’t break me,” the girl begs.

“It’s okay, it’ll heal,” he answers.

- Do not do it, Please.

- Listen, we will kill you if you don’t deliver.

- Don't kill me!

After that, the girl was sprayed with a can and doused with brilliant green, and her dreadlocks were set on fire so that a clump of hair remained in the hands of one of the attackers.

The security forces are already conducting an investigation.

— The woman who appears in the video refused to write a statement to the police. Nevertheless, the territorial police department is carrying out verification activities on this fact

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