Females Get Into A Fight Over An Ugly Man

Submitted on 06/01/2023 by: Wicked
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Fight Brazil 16,581 views


Two women exchanged many slaps, kicks, punches and pulling heads last Sunday night, 28, in front of a bar that is open 24 hours at the fair in the District of Cacau Pirêra, municipality of Iranduba, Metropolitan Region of Manaus.

Several videos show the two women engaged and in one of these posts on social networks and WhatsApp groups, one of the comments by an internet user confirms that the fight was “over a man who was drunk, smooth and as ugly as the stallholders themselves“.

A lot of people watch the fight and some people even try to separate the women, but they insist on continuing the exchange of aggressions in the bar and then go to the middle of the street where the low violence does not stop.

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