Two Police Officers Fired After Beating Handcuffed Suspect In A Holding Cell

Submitted on 05/21/2015 by: BroonSauce
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Las Cruces, New Mexico - Two police officers shown in a surveillance video beating a handcuffed man in a Las Cruces Police Department holding cell have been fired following an internal investigation, city officials announced Tuesday.

Also Tuesday, 3rd Judicial District Attorney Mark D’Antonio announced he’s expecting to make a decision within the next two weeks about whether to pursue criminal charges against the officers, Richard P. Garcia and Danny Salcido, in the Dec. 23 incident.

A federal lawsuit by the arrested man — Ross Flynn, 47, of Las Cruces — against the city of Las Cruces remains pending, as do criminal charges against Flynn for the incident that led to his arrest.

Video footage from the holding cell incident showed two officers shoving Flynn in the cell, slamming him against the walls and kneeing him.

Garcia has been an officer with LCPD since August 2004, according to a city news release. Salcido has been with LCPD since September 2011. Both officers were assigned to administrative duties on March 4.

“The allegations against both officers were reviewed, and it was found that these officers violated internal policies and procedures which warranted their discharge from employment with the Las Cruces Police Department,” LCPD Chief Jaime Montoya said in a news release Tuesday.

Flynn sustained multiple injuries, including a fractured skull, a brain hemorrhage, broken ribs and multiple contusions, he is threatening to sue the city for $12.5 million.

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