Georgia Fair-Goer Tased As Girlfriend Interferes

Submitted on 10/27/2023 by: Wicked
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fair-goer got tased Wednesday night after refusing to cooperate with an officer at the Georgia-Carolina State Fair in Augusta.

Daniel Harmon, 33, of Beech Island, and his girlfriend, Jamilla Smith, 30, of Jackson, eventually both went to jail for misdemeanor obstruction after their run-in with Lt. Matt Tindell with the Richmond County Marshal’s Office.

Harmon was trying to pay a ride attendant on the side to let his son get on a ride, even though the child was too short, according to Chief Deputy Marshal Scott Peebles. Harmon became angry when the fair worker declined and threw his money at the attendant and punched him.

The fair worker didn’t want Harmon prosecuted but simply escorted out of the fair, but Harmon took a fighting stance on the way out, Chief Peebles said. That’s where the video shows him in a confrontation with Lt. Tindell.

“It was big enough to disrupt the environment but it was handled pretty quickly,” Chief Peebles said. “There are a lot of officers down there.”

On Thursday night, the arrested couple had bonded out and came back to the fair’s outside gate to apologize to Lt. Tindell for their behavior, the chief said.

Chief Peebles said the fair has been much safer in recent years with new rules. In fact, his lieutenant has worked the fair for a few years and had not had to put his hands on anyone during that time.

According to the fair website, anyone age 15 and under must be accompanied by a parent and they ask for ID as proof of age. Any child without ID who is not accompanied by a parent will not be admitted.

“Our visitors’ safety is our top concern,” the fair website says. “Law enforcement officials are on the grounds during the fair.”

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