Crushed by dump truck

Submitted on 02/24/2025 by: drranas
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Accident Thailand 5,431 views

Sumatra was riding a Honda CBR motorcycle yesterday when he lost control and fell to the right side of the road.

Unfortunately, a dump truck loaded with bulk cement coming from the opposite direction run over his body.

The dump truck driver did not have time to avoid him because the distance was too close. As a result, the victim's body from the waist down was crushed by the truck's tires.

The truck driver is being held at the Police Traffic Unit for further investigation.

Deep sorrow enveloped the victim's family, especially his wife who cried hysterically when she found out her husband was gone.

The couple was known to have only been married about a year ago and were building a life together in a house they had just bought in the area.

According to the owner of the printing shop where he worked, before the accident occurred, the victim had said goodbye to go home early from his wife to buy a water hose. "He and his wife work at my place. They are a good couple. Very sad to hear this news, he said.

Based on the information gathered, he was allegedly riding at a fairly high speed before finally experiencing the fatal accident. Now, the police are still conducting further investigations to find out the exact cause of the incident.

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