Violent machete fight left 2 men dead in Colombia

Submitted on 11/22/2024 by: Wicked
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Other Colombia 9,401 views

The two most recent homicides in a rural area of ​​the municipality of Arjona, Bolívar, which occurred at around 8 p.m. on Monday, November 18, a few minutes apart, are under investigation.

El Universal learned that the victims were murdered with machetes in the town of Rocha, in the midst of an act of intolerance that has not yet been clarified, and for which there are two versions.

One hypothesis suggests that after one of the men killed the other while they were arguing, the victim's family allegedly went looking for the aggressor and ended his life. The second version claims that the two men died after attacking each other with machetes. You may be interested in: 'Cossy' was killed by his cousin with a bottle cap outside a pool hall

It is the job of the Bolívar Police to investigate the double murder in detail to clarify it and capture those involved. What the institution did confirm is the identity of the victims. One of them ( Oscali Castilla Mollares ) was taken to the Arjona hospital, but the serious injuries he suffered caused his death shortly after; the other man attacked with a machete ( Luis Eduardo Ortiz Girado ) was left dead at the scene.

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