Falsely accused of being informant of rival gang and butchered by traffickers

Submitted on 11/01/2024 by: Wicked
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Traffickers from the third command (tcp) of cornmeal and campinho, from serrinha, have just killed a resident named Matheus esquartejado, falsely accusing him of being an informant for a rival faction.

According to information, Lacoste and Coelhão da Serrinha ordered their subordinates Da Mata, Rugal, Maçã do urubu, Falamansa, Boneco to execute a resident.

It seems that Lacoste and Coelhão are afraid of losing the hill, and are killing anyone they have doubts about.

They made an alliance with the old militia that commanded the hill and now they are charging residents' houses. Whoever doesn't pay loses everything, is first beaten and then dies.

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