Man Dead After A Single Stab in Ecuador

Submitted on 08/19/2023 by: Wicked
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Fight Ecuador 70,151 views


On Thursday, August 17, 2023, two men leave a butcher shop located between San Miguel and Gaspar Sangurima streets, in the Historic Center of Cuenca . The discussion continues in full swing.

A video surveillance camera captured the moment in which the subjects leave the third party ; one of them, dressed in black, wields a large knife . He immediately gives the second man a sharp shove, who is wearing a pair of jeans, sneakers, and a gray sweater.

The discussion continues and the man in black approaches and decisively stabs the other subject. Apparently, the fight ends there. The alleged attacker returns to the tercena then walks out of the place.

The attacker, who was identified as Fabián Q., 41 , leaves with his hand at the site of the injury and goes to the sidewalk in front.

Fabián begins to walk in the opposite direction to that of his attacker, leaving a trail of blood. Two passersby stop to help him, and almost immediately, he falls to the ground. He tries to get up but can't.

Witnesses to the event called 911 and an ambulance from the Cuenca Fire Department arrived at the scene in four minutes, according to reports. The assaulted man was immediately transferred to a health home , where he died moments later.

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Preliminary versions indicate that Fabián Q. has a criminal record. At the moment, the authorities have already identified the attacker and are on his trail. The reasons for this fact have not yet been confirmed.

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