Drugged Florida Beach Goer Arrested After Blocking Dune Restoration

Submitted on 05/24/2023 by: Wicked
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On Friday afternoon, deputies responded to the area of Varn Park after a male was reportedly prohibiting contractors from engaging in federal dune restoration on the beach. Upon arrival, deputies located a male, later identified as Lonnye Black II, blocking a bulldozer from continuing work.

When asked to move, Black refused to move from where he was seated on the beach and appeared to be under the influence of narcotics. As deputies attempted to place Black under arrest for refusing a lawful command, Black actively resisted arrest and attempted to bite a Deputy Sheriff.

Black was placed under arrest and charged with Breach of Peace/Disorderly Conduct and Resisting Arrest with Violence – Aggravated Assault. He was transported to the Sheriff Perry Hall Inmate Detention Facility and later released after posting $4,000 bond.

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